so I shan't be posting for a while, but when I do, it'll be a year in time from photographs. Hope you enjoy.
Until then,
Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!
countess beth
Scarlet Letter Rose Background
aimless talking.
I see that my gnome animation went over well...*chuckles to self at Strider's comment*. I upload a video about every month or so at youtube, believe it or not. This is my site:
I haven't put sound to the Lawrence thing yet, but when I do, it shall be promptly posted.
Now that the holidays have begun, I have so much time for writing and photoshopping - it makes me happy. I've already done 3 pieces, and will now commence posting them.
I haven't put sound to the Lawrence thing yet, but when I do, it shall be promptly posted.
Now that the holidays have begun, I have so much time for writing and photoshopping - it makes me happy. I've already done 3 pieces, and will now commence posting them.
Gnome animation
I finally figured out how to post my animations to share with the world! Yaaay!
I made this last year, while wrestling with the Lawrence animation.
Mirror Mask Avatar

Helena, the main character of MirrorMask...who is so much like my role-playing character Kiri, its frightening. (But Kiri came first, I swear!) (I keep meaning to draw her...but everytime I do, it turns out awful)
Come to find out, Kiri is a real, exsisting name. I just thought it up on the spot (like most of my character's names, ha ha) but it's actually a guy's name, and its hawaiian or something odd like that. I forget what it means...probably something like 'happy' or 'blessed'...something so unbeffiting, its ironically hysterically funny.
Lawrence - cell background
Lawrence - cell
Lawrence - costume ideas

I haven't exactly made these sketches readable - I just scanned 'em in. So, I'm sorry for the poor quality.
-The first outfit on the left is Elizabethan England, with the ruff and all that. (Isn't he just adorable?)
-The second is stereotypical french, baguette in hand.
-The third is modern geek - rumpled white shirt and tie, with converse on. *sigh* if only he were real...
-The fourth is an army sort of outfit. I'm not entirely sure of where I was going with this one.
-And the last is Knight in shining armor.
I ended up sticking with his black tails, for his piano recital.
My dear Lawrence!

I finally got most of his things uploaded not too long ago, so I think I'll share now (if, er, I haven't already. I can't remember). Anyway, last year in my digital arts class (which this website owes its heart to) we did a huge project at the end of the year of hand-drawn, frame by frame, animation.
And this is my adorable little man.
His name is Lawrence. Above, he doesn't have much of a face - I didn't add the nose until we actually started work (and I forget why).
Queen Jadis of Narnia? Queen Jack!
How Peregrin Took arrived in Kinsington Gardens, London

How I love this little blue guy - he is probably the best superhero of all time, bar none! I hadn't seen him since I was 7 or 8 (his show only lasted 2 seasons anyway) but I've been finding snippets of episodes on youtube and such...and reliving a zanier part of my childhood.
This is a background I made...not that any one but me would actually use it...
PS - I upgraded Finch's nest, as you can see. Let me know how easy it is to use it!
"Where are the wires?"
Me, as Mr. Angier!
How Mr. Tumnus Came to be in Arkansas...

This is a photograph I took while on Spring Break Vacation (last march, I believe) that I've since played with. The tree in the picture really is a Gump - it's doorway was wide enough to walk through.
So anyway....I wondered what would happen if Mr. Tumnus actually followed Lucy through the Wardrobe and into "Spar Oom". Chaos, of course! The Wardobe being a portal, and he being a different creature than she (having an opposite magical field, you understand), the portal goes haywire and our dear little Faun turns up in Present Day Southern United States of America.
This tickles me to no end.
a joust

This isn't really artwork or anything - just a photograph I took at the ren fest that I find intensley humorus. Everything appears medievalish:the stone wall, carved benches, and stain-glass window of (presumably) some saint - but take a look at th left side of the photograph, high up on the wall.
It's a wireless internet router.
Is this not just funny?
Smirking Statue

I wish I had a broader photograph, but this is the rim of the wall surrounding the jousting arena. (I'll put up jousting things - as soon as I can find them!)
There are various Greek busts and small statues adorning the wall, and it appeared that this one watched all passer-bys with a questioning smirk. I just couldn't pass it up...

There are five different gardens around the fair, and two, I believe, are decorated with fanciful greek statues, mermaids, and copper fish fountains and the like. This is one of the statues that I changed the background and such on....just 'cuz I felt like it. (And there were tubby tourists in the background, which annoyed me.)
media: photography, computer images
Ah, Renaissance Festival!

I do believe this year was the best one yet - of course, it would have been made all the more gorgeous if the Fellowship were here...but never fear! I have majestic plans for the future!
This is a photograph I took (that I've since fixed up to make it look painted) of one the towers at the entrance the fairgrounds. It stands about 20 feet high, and really is made of stone with stained glass windows and such. Ah, breathtaking! I love the fair immensley.
More is coming...!
Lost boys background
Captin Hook
Purple Martin

I believe this is Jolie again (*cleara throat* and I ask that you politely refrain from comment. I simply found this picture somewhat intriguing)(however you spell that).
I have this thing with changling people, especially cats and birds. I dunno why....although I suppose I could blame it all on 'Hawk Song'. (Wonderful book - highly suggested). I was wondering what different birds would look like as people, and although she's really not all that bird-like, I kind of thought it favorite bit was layering the feathers in her hair. Such fun.
Media: computer images, feeling rebeliousagainst all forms of school/homework
yes...more Turkish Delight.
The Fair Katrina

I fixed up an old sketch in photoshop - don't care for it much, but whatever; can't say I didn't try.
I need to get back to the old pen and paper - all this computer buisness is getting a little old.
side note: Katrina is a chracter from the "Legend of Sleepy Hollow". There's a book by Washington Irving (Er, I believe) (I have yet to get my hands on it); there's a disney cartoon that I have watched every year since I was...geez...5 or 6; and there's a Tim Burton film, with costumes to drooooolll over. Unfortunantly, its a trifle gory, so if you're going to watch it, I recomend not eating directly before or during the movie, and watching it with someone who has seen the nasty bits and can just fast-forward. But it is worth the time to see, if only for Johnny Depp, and his fantastic waistcoat, and his book of doodles that, erm, might look familiar in some of my own art pieces. (No, not copied; just inspired.)
Media: pencil sketch, watercolor, photoshop

This was a black and white photograph, and I couldn't resist - I wanted to know if I could make things into color. Turns out, I can. *dances around* I feel like Peter Pan at times..."Oh, the cleverness of me!"
You know what? I think this was a picture of Angelina Jolie. *grins* Not that I'm making any connections between movie stars and our dear little mystic friend - no, sir-ee. I'd be a teapot before I knew it.
A still-life from the Scarlet Letter

"....Certain it is that, some fifteen or twenty years after the settlement of the town, the wooden jail was already marked with weather-stains and other indications of age, which gave a yet darker aspect to its beetle-browed and gloomy front. The rust on the ponderous iron-work of its oaken door looked more antique than anything else in the New World. Like all that pertains to crime, it seemed never to have known a youthful era. Before this ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street, was a grass-plot, much overgrown with burdock, pig-weed, apple-pern, and such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilized society, a prison. But on one side of the portal, and rooted almost at the threshold, was a wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems, which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in, and to the condemned criminal as he came forth to his doom, in token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and be kind to him.
This rose-bush, by a strange chance, has been kept alive in history; but whether it had merely survived out of the stern old wilderness, so long after the fall of the gigantic pines and oaks that originally overshadowed it, or whether, as there is far authority for believing, it had sprung up under the footsteps of the sainted Ann Hutchinson as she entered the prison-door, we shall not take upon us to determine. Finding it so directly on the threshold of our narrative, which is now about to issue from that inauspicious portal, we could hardly do otherwise than pluck one of its flowers, and present it to the reader. It may serve, let us hope, to symbolise some sweet moral blossom that may be found along the track, or relieve the darkening close of a tale of human frailty and sorrow."
-Excerpt from Chapter one of “The Scarlet Letter”, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne
I never realized how much literature influences my actions, my art, even my way of thinking until recently. I don't particularly care for the Scarlet Letter (though this may change; I haven't finished it yet) but this one gleam of such palpable beauty struck me, and would not leave until I had given it a voice of its own.
Media: photography, computer images, sketches
New Blog
I don't know if I've mentioned it here or not, but I have a new blog! It's simply bits and pieces of my short stories, poetry, quotes, and whatever in my life that I deem interesting enough to be read by another human.
You can find it here:
You can find it here:

I've gotten a little into photography; nothing big, mind you, just little things.
This is a picture I took on the way to the homecoming dance as the sun was setting. I like how the power-lines criss-cross across the sky, becuase it contrasts the stark man-made things, and the beauty of the planet we so often ignore or destroy.
(I have done nothing to this photograph in photoshop, nothing at all what-so-ever.)
(not yet, anyway.)
Library Brownie

A brownie is a little sprite from Scottish Lore, usually known to keep things clean, and cause mischief. Jack drew the creature in pencil, and I've since fixed him up, and put him in a modern day setting.
Isn't he just adorable?
Media: Pencil sketch, computer images, watercolor, photoshop, intense boredom
Moon Guardian

This began as pure accident - I was trying to color in and fix up my cat/bird sketch, and I hit a wrong button and everything went BLUE!
I then put in the pastel moon from a previous drawing, and stars, and texture and yadda yadda yadda. I don't think it flows very well - its an elegantly jerky prose to the eye - but it was fun making it all mystical.
Media: pencil sketch, computer images, photoshop
The Writer Inside

I was feeling all rather poetic-ish, and wanted to do a graphic involving the art of words. And then I found this old photograph from camp a couple years back. So yes. Call me vain. *shrugs* I was just interested in the words.
I didn't mean for it to turn out so busy - it seems to explode with half-seen dialogue. But I like it, because thats kind of how your brain is. (Well, maybe yours isn't, but mine is. Exploding words is a fun part of daily life).
Media: photographs, photoshop, computer images
Alien Territory

I honestly have NO idea why I decided to do this. Other than perhaps the whole sci-fi short stories idea that I've been chewing on for the past...well, seriously, past 4 years of life. Ha. Sadnesses.
Everything is done by hand, except for a few texture touches, and those are - yep, you guessed it, you little genius, you - layered photographs.
Should I go into CD art graphics? Because I think I could pull it off with very little sweat. (That and movie posters. And media advertising. And book illustrations. And, and and....)
Media: photoshop, images, and one tired little brain
I can explain...

Two words:
English class.
There's a line in the Crucible (Arthur Miller; I highly suggest it!) describing some crazy old lady, that she smokes a pipe and sleeps in ditches. For some reason this was particularly funny, and we thus coined the phrase "ditch-sleeper".
I finally got this looked terrible the first time I did it, so now its fixed up.
Wouldn't this look great as a T-shirt?
Media: photoshop, temporary relief from homework
Harry Winkley

A new character of mine, created for the sole purpose of a creative english paper; we were revising "Rip Van Winkle" into a sort of modern day story, and uh, WWI is as modern as I seem to get. *grin* I'll be visiting him alot, becuase I'm getting all rather fond of him, and I'd like to do something else than revise American Fairytales.
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