

Isn't he cute?

It's a russian-blue cat, with finch wings. And moths in the background. And 17th century manuscript.
And buckets of BLUE paint!

I don't know what I'm saying with this. I'm sort of going through this 'wing' phase (as if you hadn't noticed) so....yeah. (First it was eyes, then it was hearts, and now its wings. I am such a teenage girl.)

Maybe its that you don't have to live up to your name (Griffin-thing, you know) and wings sort of symbolize...ah....freedom and all that? But maybe responsibility too .... thinking back to rash Icharus.

Media: More pirated images that I played with to get desired effect. Yup.

Freedom from Supression

I don't think this has been posted yet.
This was actually drawn in health class last year. The sketch looks really different than the finished product before you.

But anyway, this is just a conglomeration (don't you just love that word?) of symbolism and emotion and stuff.

Looonngg story.

Media: sketched in pen and fixed up on the 'puter

Dreamy Girl

Just someone in love, is all. Mostly Harmless, right?

I tried a realistic/cartoon style. Hence the Out-of proportion seen. This is sketched in pencil, and played with on the computer. Obviously.

Another Aslan

Just a sketch...nothing great. His face bugs me - and I know something about his nose isn't right, but I can't put my finger on it. Oh well. It's in pencil, and then I kinda colored it orange on the computer. I thought it would make it look old....but it just made it all....orange.
Oh well.

Profile Pic

You mustn't laugh....too hard.

I'm putting up more sketchies and such soon.



I have a new Roleplay/story character. I've actually managed to uncover some writers/artists at school, (I know, it's astounding. I didn't think others like me existed) and we've begun this sort of silly story. My character is just a conglomeration of ....well....me. She belongs to the "Garnet Clan", and she's a healer, songwriter, and a changling. Her closest friend is a finch who can turn into a scarlett-feathered griffen at will. Maeve (rhymes with 'save') can aslo turn into a finch or Griffen. I don't know her little friend's name, only that it's a he and he's a trifle sarcastic.

This was sketched in pencil, and colored on the 'puter.


Home behind - BiG

This one is actually really cool. The other ones kinda bug me, but I find that I like the dingy effect. It was time consuming and it turned out rather nicely, so if I may, I'll call it my OWN. (Even though....yadda yadda yadda.... I couldn't draw any of this, even if I had a mind to).

Fairy Tale Castle - Biggie Size

Background/overlaid ghostly images/haze comprises of gears, swirlies, willow leaves, and uh, some weird pattern I whipped up.

This is an actual Castle in Ireland, titled St. Brian's Tower. But its so cute and tiny, I fondly use it in, er, many other pieces.

I've really got to quit pillaging these cyber ports, even though its addicting (cause I'm honestly a lazy artist) (and ... I DO so make a good Pirate).

Celtic Heart - Biggie Size

I realize now that the red-lettering looks like crap and would be so much easier to read if it were creamy and slightly faded. I dunno. I'll probably have to go play with it now, just for the heck of it.
But yeah, more blending of stolen pics. That's Kiera Knightly though. And the leafy knot in the background is mine.
Seriously. I created it.
(MINE, I tell you, MINE!)



Some of those avatars were based off of stuff I blended together. I can't quite call it "artwork" since its pirated images...(ARRRR!).... but anyway - I DID blend them so they ARE mine.


Entish Skin Banner

I'm updating the forum ALOT. That's where all these avatars are going, anyway. And I'm making banners for each theme/skin.

Book of Days

Sort of Enya themed....

Candle light

I did this in pastel, and since I didn't know what else to do with it, it became an avatar.