
Seize the Day...take 2

Its the same Background shot, just minus the hand scrawling the words in the corner. I told you I'd get back to it; I found it too irritating to fix, so I just started from square one. I like this better. It has a cleaner feel to it or something. I'm not sure.

I'll run out of Dead Poet's Society steam soon....and then I'll start on Eragon.

Media: internet pics, photohop, my creative genius


I found a good pic of him, and couldn't resist. Now if I just find a decent one of Charlie....

Media: internet pic, photoshop, temporarily unleashed from homework


8th grade Lloyd drawing

For lack of anything better at the current time..... I'll get stuff finished..... one of these days. I'm just continually overloaded with homework.

Media: Pencil and paper and boredom.



latin for "to fall in love" I believe. How would this look as a tiled background?

media:pen sketch, overlaid with computer art


EYE see you

Media: Paint, computer


Take a guess as to who this lovely face belongs to....

I had way too much fun with this one. She found it only mildly funny, while I giggled for hours over it.
Photoshop really is my new best (tech) friend - and partner in crime.

Media: Old photgraph, computer images


Ode to Dead Poet's Society

I always layer my pics with tons of junk, so this one I decided to keep simple. There's something missing, though, and I just can't put my finger on it.... I may have to return to this one.

Media: computer images

Dumb water creature

This is really old, and really ugly. I tried drawing some kind of water dragon, but it came out a little on the horsey side, like all my dragons do. Poo.

I've tried fixing it up, but the truth is, once its crap, it'll always be crap. If there's going to be anything special here, it'll have to be re-drawn. Which I may now try to do....

Media: colored pencil

Flying chair

I wish now that I hadn't tried to put the speed-blur on the chair, becuase now it just looks...stupid. Oh well.

Mum says its my metaphor for books. I hadn't intended that, but then again, I'm sure what I intended in the first place.

Media: computer images

Supernova People

This is actually inspired by Muse. And boredom.

Media: computer images

Celtic Heart....again

Still looks ugly, but at least its readable now....