
I'm on Holiday now

so I shan't be posting for a while, but when I do, it'll be a year in time from photographs. Hope you enjoy.
Until then,
Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!


the isles of splatta

just a map for my world...


This was a photo taken over the summer. From right to left:
Jackie, Me, and Lynds.
And I of course took the liberty to try to fix it up...and failing miserably.


media: photography, photoshop


countess beth

I know its terrible photoshop, but it was the best I could with the old photographs and whatnot I had.
eet makes mee laugh.


This was a fun one. I turned it black and white, and then colored it back in. In the original print, they were all wearing such somber colors, and I decided to make it more artsy, so I did.
Print from Pride and Prejudice: highly recommended.
Media: computer images, photoshop

Scarlet Letter Rose Background

I actually forgot I made this...stupid me...this is just an additional piece to the previous Scarlet Letter photoshop thing I did. I meant for this to be a background, but I dunno...

Media: photography, paint

aimless talking.

I see that my gnome animation went over well...*chuckles to self at Strider's comment*. I upload a video about every month or so at youtube, believe it or not. This is my site: http://www.youtube.com/finchfilms

I haven't put sound to the Lawrence thing yet, but when I do, it shall be promptly posted.

Now that the holidays have begun, I have so much time for writing and photoshopping - it makes me happy. I've already done 3 pieces, and will now commence posting them.


Gnome animation

I finally figured out how to post my animations to share with the world! Yaaay!

I made this last year, while wrestling with the Lawrence animation.

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