
Quilted Sky

a rather artsy photo...from camp again.


Fangorn Forest!

See? I wasn't kidding. Of course, it took about an hour to get this shot (after climbing up and over sandy boulders...) but this is basically what I looked at everyday for a week. The camp was in a valley, and it was gorgeous. Not long after my photo-excursion, hail came down. While I was outside.
And let me tell you - the half-dollar size stuff hurts.


Camp photos!

I can only post a few for now - but I'll be back later.

I found this huge...erm...drainage tunnel thingy, and wanted to share my findings, in memory of the very scary underground excavation we once did, in the ravine near my old house.


Too Pretty to be true

I thought the water trickling over the shining skin was picture-worthy....so yeah.
It's wasn't particularly delicious - but it wasn't bad either. Just sort of mushy, and kinda sweet, and more tomatoey-flavored than strawberry-flavored which makes absolutely no sense to me....

I'm not obsessed or anything, am I?

C'est moi, et mes amies.

La jardinier jolie avec le fraise fantastique et chevalier.

Good Lord - Finally!

After many tantrums and near fisticuffs, I, Frodo, son of Drogo, have produced a single edible strawberry!
(Here pictured with my knight, Sir Guillame)


my new haircut

Jack snapped a photo pf me being silly, and it actually turned out pretty good. The back has grown out a little - it used to be shorter. But I love it!


I just thought this was so pretty....and the focus turned out better than I thought.


I caught him half-asleep, paws crossed, and couldn't resist snapping a photo. He is soooo cute!


This was also three years ago, on easter. I'm sitting by my poor excuse for a garden. (and no, I no longer have hair like that! tee hee!)
I seem to have a problem with closing my eyes in pictures. Lynnette once suggested, "why don't you just photoshop them open?" but, sadly, it doesn't work that way.

The Imp

This was three years ago, while we were out camping. It was St. Patrick's day, I was horribly sick, and my lovable sis was going around in my hat, burning sticks.
Typical family outing, right?

Tape Faces

I almost wish the photo wasn't so blurry.
This is what happens when we're cooped up for too long, with only a roll of scotch tape and a mirror to entertain ourselves. naturally - who wouldn't go nuts?

Oh, to fly away!

At the beach, about to rain.

After concert love

I just got back four packages of pictures, some up to three years old! So I decided to post some photographs as to what me and Jack have been up to.
Typical Jack:
In uniform, and hating it. Note the ginormus black shoes, and hunched shoulders.
Typical me:
I'm freezing, so I have on my parka, with my favorite shirt from elementary school (it has a knight on it!) I also have on converse, and holding my book I'm reading for english class.


i have a bunch of zany, alienish creatures that live in my head. they're pretty weird, but fun to draw.


original - pearl and hester

I liked the jagged water-color bottom so much, I just had to show off...twice.
ah well.
You know me.

Pearl and Hester

a still life from the scarlet letter. the background is a variation of a photo i took while on a train ride.


Princess Eilonwy

In Loving Memory of Lloyd Alexander.

old cop car

Yet another spring break photo I took, and then colorized.

at the zoo

I also went to the zoo while on spring break vacation, and this is another photo I took. I thought they were just too cute!

Sail away, sail away

I took a pirate-ship ride over spring break, and this is what it looked like staring up at the main-mast. Of course I colorized it and all (the sails were a wine-red) and added some texture.



This is an odd picture of him, considering its the only one I've done where he has a full beard. I'm not sure if I like this one or not....he seems disproportioned (and probably is).


Since I did a Sage(ish) elfin piece, I decided to go on and do the rest of the group. Here's dear old Kenrick, looking pensive as he leans on his walking stick (yes, that's what its supposed to be). The only thing I would change would be his hair....(I hate drawing hair!)



I love playing with old photos. This one is supposed to be underwater/mermaidish/? themed. I liked how it turned out though.


Elf - (Sage?)

I really like this one. It took a long time to do - and I put alot of new touches into it. The background is a photo, but the rest is purely my work. (Well...I did use a National Geographic cover for her face. But, it's original - I didn't trace or anything.) Please, please, please offer your opinions.....

Jupi avatar

My cat is getting famous around school....so I'm thinking about starting a fan club. He's just too adorable...

Colored-in horsey

I did this in pencil a couple years back, but it only just occured to be to color (!). I'm so slow. But tell me what you think...I'm not sure.



No. I don't know why...Hippocampe means seahorse in French. *shrugs*



I got bored and doodled...I'm not very happy with it, since it seems so plain, but I guess it'll do.
I really enjoy drawing faces these days....


Gulls in Love

Photo I took...and then got bored with.
Per usual.



How I love birdies...

Faces from the past

I have a growing obsession with old, old photographs.
It's pictures of people that no longer exist, that no longer look up at the same sky I see - and yet they still have the power to hold you spellbound with their eyes. This fellow is...enchanting...and I'm not sure why. I cleaned him up and clumsily added some color, but through all the digital enhancing, there still remains this old-fashioned air about him. There's no telling what his age is. There's no telling what kind of life he lead, what caused such a bitter expression. I don't understand him, but I am mesmerized.


Meet Eric!

I know its not characteristic of me to put cheesy little things on websites and such (I'm far too fond the rather 'professional' look) but I couldn't resist this one....

Meet Eric the hedgehog, guardian of this page! You can find him at the very bottom, trotting around, following your cursor. *squeals with delight* He's so cute!
And he gets hungry too -
there's a tab that says 'more' and if you click on it, you can feed him a strawberry!

*sighs*...I don't need children. Just digital creatures.


Garnet Clan Creatures

I have decided to start a collection of the mythological creatures that I make-up, this being the first.


Pensive in Pride and Prejudice

I didn't do much....just play with the coloring and such. But I really really like the faded-grey overall effect. *shrugs*
I have some other projects that I'm working on, but they're pretty epic and I'm not even sure if I want to post them here....


Pasture and Tree

This was just outside the window from a train window. Well, I photoshopped it a bit - the grass wasn't that green and there wasn't little dotted lines on the ground, and swirly marks in the sky. but you know - to each his own.


Ferris Wheel

another picture taken at high speeds - I rather like the effect. This is a ferris wheel by the high way...the two red lines are lanes of traffic speeding away. Strange and funny...

I've lost my place...

Us threesome dancing (more so, the two dancing, myself at an utter loss - I couldn't remember the particular steps at that moment) ah, Renaissance style!



while in Florida, my sister and I were attacked my sea gulls while out on the dock...I shot some video too - its hilarious.
Word to the wise:



I like to try to draw the Human face and body from different angles. This one was tricky, but I think I got it...it's kinda funny too.
I realized after the fact that the clear blue eyes, blonde hair, and full mouth puts one in mind of a certain friend of mine...oh well. Nothing intentional.

Winter Beach

This was a photo I took (that's me dad!) while in Florida. I've played with the colors a little and added touches here and there, but all in all, I didn't do much.
It was just a good photo.

faerie dance

This is a very, very old sketch that I decided to fix up. Turned out better than I expected....

His First

Inspired by - Dead poet's society. I blended several poses and even expressions.

*giggles* Nothing cuter than a love-struck school-boy...

(oh, and if the pics aren't coming up, let me know - I'm having problems with file size and whatnot.)

Grey Rain

Inspired by...Pride and Prejudice, believe it or not. Of course I changed a few things - I might have to write something to go with it.

Young Wilson Returns from the War

inspired by a WWI photograph


Sunset at 60 mph

It's blurry becuase I was in the car. But where the orange gets the most orange is where the sky ended and the water and city lights began. Like I said, blurry and not a great photo, but the colors are stunning.
I think I'll just post random photos for a while. I have a lot of funny stories to tell...


Willard Morgan

Yet another roleplaying character, in the same watercolory/ink/scribble fashion I seem to be getting in to.
Anyway, this guy is turning out to be a bit different than what I intended...but better, perhaps. I just don't know yet.


Just a minor roleplaying character of mine - still in the rough. I think this is best he will ever look...


Something wonderfully random

Don't you just love the sound of gaspy giggles, memories of the movie you saw the night before with all of your best friends, and the smell of an over-baked gingerbread man?
I know I do!