
Willard Morgan

Yet another roleplaying character, in the same watercolory/ink/scribble fashion I seem to be getting in to.
Anyway, this guy is turning out to be a bit different than what I intended...but better, perhaps. I just don't know yet.


Just a minor roleplaying character of mine - still in the rough. I think this is best he will ever look...


Something wonderfully random

Don't you just love the sound of gaspy giggles, memories of the movie you saw the night before with all of your best friends, and the smell of an over-baked gingerbread man?
I know I do!


more train scenery

more of the area we stopped at while on our train escapade...more pictures (and actual ones too) coming soon.


Train rides

enough halloween.

This is a photo taken at a train station. I'll put more up in a couple days. I need to finish a stinky essay first.


Angelina the Herbalist

I was going to go as Hester from the Scarlett Letter (since at this point in time, I was still intoxicated with the thrill of the play) (kinda still am actually)(a little), but I decided against it and then thought of gypsy, but finally decided upon a character from the Eragon books - Angelina the Herbalist. She has curly hair and an eccentric personality, so I figured, well, why not?
I forgot to get a staff, so its not complete (and of course I'm missing my were-cat) but as is, its none too shabby in my opnion.

The booty.

The girls hauled some nice loot. I did too, but my stash isn't in the picture.

I give up.

It takes too long to find pictures in chronological order and scan them in and whatnot....so I'll just keep telling myself to do it later and for now, post some photographs from recent months.

For starters, I'll put up some things from Halloween.
From left to right:
Dad's squinty monster, then my grinning cyclops, then Jackie's bat-creature, in true all-hallow's eve fashion.