
Garnet Clan Creatures

I have decided to start a collection of the mythological creatures that I make-up, this being the first.


Pensive in Pride and Prejudice

I didn't do much....just play with the coloring and such. But I really really like the faded-grey overall effect. *shrugs*
I have some other projects that I'm working on, but they're pretty epic and I'm not even sure if I want to post them here....


Pasture and Tree

This was just outside the window from a train window. Well, I photoshopped it a bit - the grass wasn't that green and there wasn't little dotted lines on the ground, and swirly marks in the sky. but you know - to each his own.


Ferris Wheel

another picture taken at high speeds - I rather like the effect. This is a ferris wheel by the high way...the two red lines are lanes of traffic speeding away. Strange and funny...

I've lost my place...

Us threesome dancing (more so, the two dancing, myself at an utter loss - I couldn't remember the particular steps at that moment) ah, Renaissance style!



while in Florida, my sister and I were attacked my sea gulls while out on the dock...I shot some video too - its hilarious.
Word to the wise:



I like to try to draw the Human face and body from different angles. This one was tricky, but I think I got it...it's kinda funny too.
I realized after the fact that the clear blue eyes, blonde hair, and full mouth puts one in mind of a certain friend of mine...oh well. Nothing intentional.

Winter Beach

This was a photo I took (that's me dad!) while in Florida. I've played with the colors a little and added touches here and there, but all in all, I didn't do much.
It was just a good photo.

faerie dance

This is a very, very old sketch that I decided to fix up. Turned out better than I expected....

His First

Inspired by - Dead poet's society. I blended several poses and even expressions.

*giggles* Nothing cuter than a love-struck school-boy...

(oh, and if the pics aren't coming up, let me know - I'm having problems with file size and whatnot.)

Grey Rain

Inspired by...Pride and Prejudice, believe it or not. Of course I changed a few things - I might have to write something to go with it.

Young Wilson Returns from the War

inspired by a WWI photograph


Sunset at 60 mph

It's blurry becuase I was in the car. But where the orange gets the most orange is where the sky ended and the water and city lights began. Like I said, blurry and not a great photo, but the colors are stunning.
I think I'll just post random photos for a while. I have a lot of funny stories to tell...