
Elf - (Sage?)

I really like this one. It took a long time to do - and I put alot of new touches into it. The background is a photo, but the rest is purely my work. (Well...I did use a National Geographic cover for her face. But, it's original - I didn't trace or anything.) Please, please, please offer your opinions.....

Jupi avatar

My cat is getting famous around school....so I'm thinking about starting a fan club. He's just too adorable...

Colored-in horsey

I did this in pencil a couple years back, but it only just occured to be to color (!). I'm so slow. But tell me what you think...I'm not sure.



No. I don't know why...Hippocampe means seahorse in French. *shrugs*



I got bored and doodled...I'm not very happy with it, since it seems so plain, but I guess it'll do.
I really enjoy drawing faces these days....


Gulls in Love

Photo I took...and then got bored with.
Per usual.



How I love birdies...

Faces from the past

I have a growing obsession with old, old photographs.
It's pictures of people that no longer exist, that no longer look up at the same sky I see - and yet they still have the power to hold you spellbound with their eyes. This fellow is...enchanting...and I'm not sure why. I cleaned him up and clumsily added some color, but through all the digital enhancing, there still remains this old-fashioned air about him. There's no telling what his age is. There's no telling what kind of life he lead, what caused such a bitter expression. I don't understand him, but I am mesmerized.


Meet Eric!

I know its not characteristic of me to put cheesy little things on websites and such (I'm far too fond the rather 'professional' look) but I couldn't resist this one....

Meet Eric the hedgehog, guardian of this page! You can find him at the very bottom, trotting around, following your cursor. *squeals with delight* He's so cute!
And he gets hungry too -
there's a tab that says 'more' and if you click on it, you can feed him a strawberry!

*sighs*...I don't need children. Just digital creatures.