The elves of Middle-earth were able to leash this power, and they were the ones that placed this deep magic deep within trees.
Mirrors work the same way - they're just concentrated magic, so, lets just say they're a tad unpredictable.
Here's someone about to be sucked in! *grins*

(I don't know who I've sent this to, so if you've seen it, my apologies for being redundant and boring).
lol, yay!!!!!! I love that. Nice job with the trees, looks great! Is that me?
Yeah, it is actually - lol. It's a goofy camp picture you gave me a while back, and I recently fixed it up.
I'm actually doing that with quite a few old photos, to make it look as if the story really happened. If I find (or make) any more, I'll post 'em.
yay, sounds cool.
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