

posted sept 9:
More of Maeve's world. This is her companion, Gwynedd the finch. He's so funny. I may post a snippet of the story soon....Once I finish a chapter. (Like that'll happen anytime soon).
Media: computer images

now modified:
I actually have a piece now - its still in the rough, but I'm very happy with it!

“It’s best not to dilly-dally,” came Gwynedd’s tittering voice from the window. “I know you’re a girl, which makes you prone to dilly-dallying, but – “
“Oh, Gwyn,” Maeve snapped, sinking onto a corner of her bed and pulling off her boots. “I haven’t seen you for 3 days, and the first thing you do is scold me.”
The little bird hopped on one foot and clacked his beak. “Okay, so I’m glad you’re back. There. Happy?”
Maeve snorted and said nothing until a grin began to pull at the left side of her mouth. “When was the last time you were in your human skin?” she asked quietly.
The tiny feathered shoulders shrugged, something that made her smile in full. “A fortnight ago, I think,” Gwynedd chirped. He ruffled himself, all impatience again. “Look, Lothlawen is waiting; I told her you wouldn’t be long.”
“I know,” Maeve said, going to the cedar chest at the foot of her bed. After rummaging through a few of her formal court dresses, she changed her mind and went to her canvas bags, still thick with the briny smell of the sea. She still hadn’t unpacked since her trip to Headquaters in the mainland, via sailing.
“What do you think of this?” she asked Gwynedd, pulling out a colorful bundle of clothes. She sorted through them for a moment, and pulled out what she deemed a funny looking tunic, teal in colour, with a folded down collar and 3 buttons at the top; and long, thick blue pants. “It’s called a T-shirt (or was it a polo?) and.....deans, or something like that.”
“Jeans,” Gwyn corrected. He sighed audibly and glanced outside.
“Well - ?” Maeve prompted. “I got them at a marketplace on the main-land after the Clan’s meeting. They’re supposedly futuristic. Isn’t that funny?”
“Quite,” the finch muttered. “I’m sure Lothlawen will appreciate you going through the trouble.”
“What’s with you, Gwyn?” she asked, frowning a little at the bitter note in his voice.
He said nothing, just fidgeted a bit more before fully turning his back to her, allowing her to get dressed.
“Hmph,” she said, pulling off her white cotton shirt and rust coloured breeches, then slipping into the new foreign clothing. “Ooh, these feel funny.” When she got no response from Gwyn, she huffed again. “Will you at least talk to me later tonight?”
There was a pause before he spoke. “If you’ll fly with me first. I want to show you something,” he said.
“You got it,” Maeve answered and gently tugged on his tail feathers, making him lose his balance. He quickly flipped around, nipping playfully at her fingers. Then he burst into tittering laughter. “Loove the outfit,” he crooned.
“Oh, hush,” she grumbled. To make it look a little more like her country’s own style, she rolled the jeans to knee-length. “I’ll see you in a few hours,” she said as she snatched up her court staff, and skipped out the door.

Pretty much, the garnet land is where anything can happen - its a place of fairy-tales. I love it there. It's my favorite place to visit during school-hours. My other friends are slowly posting their bits, and its so exciting to see what all the other characters are up to.
More is coming...I promise!

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