
HTML magic!

I just changed some the fonts and colors on this website. It was tricky, but I did it! And I can't believe its working!
If you find a bug, though, let me know - like if the links aren't a red hue, or if the font isn't really cool looking (I can't think of a way to describe it).

yay! Go me!

I'm also putting up prom posts on Lost Quire (yes, finally) and maybe a picture or two. I haven't decided if I want my picture out there or not. Not that I'm overly recognizable in pounds of make-up, and a ginormus flowy dress, but anyway...


The Chronicles of Narnia have really inspired me to do quite a good bit of artwork. This is a wood-nymph. There were a few in the movie, but in my opinion, they didn't do them right. There were people in the trees that awoke when summoned and had endearing personalities. (The hawthorns were really quite grumpy, so I didn't draw them ....)

It's a little unfinished. Any ideas for a background?


Celtic knot

I have a fascination with knots (as you probably are well aware of) and am constantly incorporating them into my work. Here's another one that I doodled, and then played with on the computer.


Lloyd - Book cover

I have so many drawings of my character Lloyd. He's so easy to sketch, and its great fun to try to catch his facial expressions.

This drawing might need some explanations. Jo, Rach, and I have been working on a story since 7th grade, I believe. As of yet, it still has no title, and is far from being finished. Well, I got so tired of hearing the two squabble over the title, that I made one myself.

I of course, had Way too much fun with it, and made it into a movie poster sort of thing. I did actually draw, with pencil, on paper, the three characters, but the rest is computer work.

From left to right, its Kendrick (written by Jo), Lloyd (me!), and Sage (Rachel).


Another wonder from Adobe Photoshop, featuring my creative genius.


bear 4 painted

okay, so I lied ....

I painted this on the computer, so... yeah. I cheated, I know.

bear 4

Last one, I promise . . .

bear 3

Another hungry bear



bear 2

yup... another bear.

Bear 1

its just a sketch ... I have a thing for bears, I think.

Walup's home

I got so bored with the last project, I made him a home!


More computer work... *groans* I can't wait to get some of my sketchies up. I've also done a little painting too. Emphasis on LITTLE.

Another school project - we had to create a creature using only pre-made shapes. So, here is Mr. Walup!



This is Ancient. Anybody remember this? It makes me grin.


I have a new movie obsession, if you didn't know already.

This is Aslan, from the chronicles of Narnia. This is more computer work (duh) but its mosaic tiles. Very tedius. Don't EVER try it.
Because the program kept closing out on me, and I had to start over several times, which kinda explains the messy background to it. If you'll look closely, the tiles aren't straight at all, and overlap. Bleh. I may try to fix it soon.

Quarter Horse

It's self-explanatory. Kels would find this humorus, I think. You may want to make it bigger - and sorry about the pixilation. The program I was working in must have been having a bad day.

By the way - the test really was as monstrous as I thought it was going to be. I didn't get out until 9:09 PM, by which time I had huge amounts of energy in my fried little body, and so therefore ran laps with the dog in the back yard until ten o'clock-ish. It was . . . not fun.


prayer needed

Please pray for me - I'm about to take a 4 hour college exam. *grimaces* and I'm not feeling so good.



Here's me!

There's actually a long story behind the whole finch thing. It involves a younger sibling, wolves, fantasy novels, and sugar.

Like I said - LONG STORY.

Anyway, this was just finished, not even 10 minutes ago. More and more, Adobe is becoming my best friend in the whole wide world. Well, technology-wise. (Scanner is pretty cool too, but anyway . . . ) Not alot of this piece is my drawings, just compiled photographs and textures. Click to make it bigger; its really quite detailed.


I promised Jo in a letter once that I'd make a crest. Well, here's the basic one. I can make it more pretty and whatnot, but I kinda like the simplicity of it now. Somehow, when changing into a JPG, the watercolor plumes got a little pixilated. Of course, you may only notice this if you pull out a magnifying glass, but it still irritates me a little.

Is it ME? Or not?

Hey, you decide! This was yet another school project. 10 points if you can correctly identify the character (under the ugly mask, that is)


Shakespeare art

This was a project I had to do at school, using only photographs and a quote to express emotion. Well . . . yeah. Enough said, right?

Click on the picture to see it in a new frame. Its pretty darn big!

Derndingle Rulebook

1. No Cursing.
2. No excuses for above.
3. No deliberately antagonizing other members. (If you Must let off steam, kindly relocate yourself to the “Rant” thread located under the Role-play section, I do believe.)
4. No posting of inappropriate web sites or pictures.
5. No killing Jr. merely for the “yepping” as irritating as it is.
6. Notice I said nothing about duck tape though.
7. No disappearing for months at a time. (I will personally track you down!)

If you have any suggestion or problem with the above, please do me the favor of commenting!

Now back to the site:

It's Melle . . . again.

Hey, its a new blog! Amaaazing!

But this one is just for miscellaneous Messageboard info, and my art gallery. My "Hobbit's Nook" will sadly be detonated soon . . . I just havent finished copying my posts into word documents yet.

Well, happy mother's day, everyone! I have to go eat dinner.
With love,
Melle Finchley