

Here's me!

There's actually a long story behind the whole finch thing. It involves a younger sibling, wolves, fantasy novels, and sugar.

Like I said - LONG STORY.

Anyway, this was just finished, not even 10 minutes ago. More and more, Adobe is becoming my best friend in the whole wide world. Well, technology-wise. (Scanner is pretty cool too, but anyway . . . ) Not alot of this piece is my drawings, just compiled photographs and textures. Click to make it bigger; its really quite detailed.


Melle said...

You like it then? *grins impishly*

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's awesome. How did you do that? And I want to know the long story, sounds great.
Speaking of stories, you never sent me an exerpt of the story your working on. I want to read it! Are you almost done with it?

Anonymous said...

gosh darn it i hate you adobe people, you set the bar too high for all of us old fashioned artists that can't do the whole adobe thing. love it, just graaaaaaag!!!!! Love you.

Melle said...

Oh, sorry Kels! I'll do that now.

No, actually its far from finished. I finally have the plot worked out, though! It may be 3/4s finished by summer... with luck.