

I made 16 new avatars yesterday. Along with some new computer graphics and stuff for different sites.

I'll slowly get the rest of the avies up, but for now, here's a narnia one:

Don't you just love Reepicheep?



I did a play in English Class towards the end of the year, and we did "Much Ado About Nothing" (of which I highly recomend. The movie is amazing too) in just under 6 minutes. I played Don Pedro, Borachio, and a maid. It was quite fun.

I also did all the artwork. Our 'company' had something to do with 'wee man' (I don't remember all the details) so I ended up drawing a leprchaun and a sheep (in pencil, colored on the 'puter).

It's a little on the boring side.... I'll see if I can dig up something more interesting for the next post.

Bones Underwater

This is a bit of an oddity. I'm still unsure of my intentions, and expressions.

All I know is, it was fun to do in pastel and quite a bother to mess with once in the computer.


Another school project involving bears

We were forced against our will to trace pre-made images! NOOOO!!
But I think it turned out... okay.

I took off comment moderation thingy, since a certain blonde friend of mine seems to have an on-going war with technology.



....Man, this guy is scary!

I drew him a while back in colored pencil. I've tried messing with it in photoshop, but nothing ever looks right.



This was a scratchboard project I did in art last year, but since I couldn't do profiles very well, I've since fixed it up and colored it. This was going to be the banner sort of thingy on the website I was making, but of course that didn't work out.


I still don't know why I drew this...

Mischievous Dragon

This is drawn in pencil and colored on the computer. It started as a doodle in math class, and kinda went from there...
I can almost see the little creature zipping across the mainsail and cutting lines, perhaps perching on the mast head to escape the sailors. He's so cute!


Evil Trees

I did this a while back in pen. Some of it is kinda realistic, but the rest is very cartoon-ish. I started with drawing the main tree in the foreground - its a crepe myrtal (sp?) that's close to my bus stop, and it actually has that face. Well, as I was doodling, it grew into a small forest of these other trees laughing at this one.... In a way, its a representation of how I was feeling about school at the time.

Its another unfinished one - this hasn't been taken into photoshop yet, so I just might put more trees in the background, unless....*cough cough*.... someone has a suggestion?



This is a role-play character of mine that's a little on the odd side. Lets just say he needs a big dose of thereapy, chocolate, and anti-depressants. I was having a bad day when I started writing him, and the same tone sorta stuck.... Ah, well. He can be funny, but most of the time he's melancholie/(somewhat) heroic/aloof and staring at his dragon-scale boots.

Sadly, the roleplay has died, so I'm thinking of cleaning him up a bit (put him through my character develop stages) (or what they call "Boot camp") and begin a so-called short story that you and I both know will turn into a night-marish-never-ending-novel before long.


More Gump

Another pic I did in photoshop. Its so tiny though, and grainy, that its hard to see. There's a blue splotch on the side in the tree... its supposed to be a portal, but doesn't look like it.



This is an honest-to-goodness-no-joke-picture that has NOT been messed with in photoshop.
Although, I think I might soon. He could use just a tad bit of color, I think.

Here's Victor, from the Corpse Bride. If you haven't seen it, I recomend it. Its a fun, weird, and humourus romp.



I'm rather fond of birds. Especially owls. They just fascinate me for some reason.
This is pastel, that I then.... *mumble mumble*... put in the computer...

I'm going to see if theres any of my artwork thats JUST pencil/pen, no photoshop whatsoever.
I doubt there is...

Mystical Mirror Portal

Gumps are, as we well know, a portal to another dimension that opens (on average) every 9 years or so. This may depend on the portals housing (be it tree or mirror, or whatever) and what sort of chaos is going on in that particular dimension.

The elves of Middle-earth were able to leash this power, and they were the ones that placed this deep magic deep within trees.
Mirrors work the same way - they're just concentrated magic, so, lets just say they're a tad unpredictable.

Here's someone about to be sucked in! *grins*

(I don't know who I've sent this to, so if you've seen it, my apologies for being redundant and boring).

About the last pic...

So I got a little too creative, alright?

I meant to do a picture of Vidar (he's a vampire/shape-shifter) but since I didn't feel like drawing him, I decided to use a real human picture. And since I didn't feel like stealing off the internet, I just used my own.

go ahead and laugh. I know its goofy. I'll put some real artwork up in a minute.


the desire was too strong
to suppress
any longer
when was the last time
she shed her mask

and became real?
she whispers an ancient word
and disappears
from the human world
‘at last’ she breathes
to the stars
and with the flick
of a whisker
and a gleam
of her eyes

she was gone
never to be seen
on two legs again...