

This is a role-play character of mine that's a little on the odd side. Lets just say he needs a big dose of thereapy, chocolate, and anti-depressants. I was having a bad day when I started writing him, and the same tone sorta stuck.... Ah, well. He can be funny, but most of the time he's melancholie/(somewhat) heroic/aloof and staring at his dragon-scale boots.

Sadly, the roleplay has died, so I'm thinking of cleaning him up a bit (put him through my character develop stages) (or what they call "Boot camp") and begin a so-called short story that you and I both know will turn into a night-marish-never-ending-novel before long.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha, that's great.

Melle said...
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Melle said...

He kinda didn't turn out right, but oh well. I have a few drawings and sketches of my other characters. I'll have to put those up soon too.